

Community Resources Index

Below are various community-made resources for NL2 that unfortunately have been lost to time (ie. dead links, removed, hard to find, etc.). I have collected these resources over the years, found them to be invaluable, and wanted to make them available once again in a central location (as opposed to being spread out over various forum posts or ephemeral Discord messages).
This index is primarily intended to supplement (not replace) NoLimits Central's Mega Resource Thread for any dead links it may have.
Please contact me using the information on the Home page if you (a.) are the original author of a resource and want it removed, or (b.) have a lost resource you would like to see added.
Resource Author Description SHA-512 Checksum
BA7's Support Scenery Pack BossAct7 63 support-based "scenery objects". Contains stations, structures, a spiral staircase, and more. Original Coaster Crazy page. YouTube video.
Blank Car Texture Templates COASTERGUY246 Contains PSD templates and PNG PBR maps for most coaster styles in the game to replace the default NL2 logo with a custom logo.
BT Paths v2 ByeTom Tile-based foot path system. Instructions can be found here.
Cable Lift Airboss A scripted cable lift system for the Hyper Coaster track style.
Foliage Pack 1 RobbinBob Various small scenery objects of dried out bushes, tufts, and weeds.
Foliage Pack nSeven Various custom flower, shrub, and tree scenery objects.
Glass Demo NL2MAT bestdani A basic demonstration of a glass NL2 material, achieved via custom shader code, that can be applied to a custom scenery object.
Master's Thesis on Roller Coaster Design fintamin A PDF of fintamin's master's thesis paper on the details of roller coaster design.
Skybox Pack Maxime Various skyboxes for custom environments.
Skybox Pack Currently Unknown Various skyboxes for custom environments.
"Timo's" Grass Currently Unknown (Proof) Nice auto-plant object for alternative grass.