Reference Index
Main Menu
The Main Menu presents options to either start riding a park right away or create your own parks.
Play Button
This button will launch into Play Mode of a selected park. If you do not have a park open you will be presented with a menu to select a park to load. If you have a park open then the open park will load. In Play Mode you can ride coasters, walk/fly around, take screen shots, capture video, and enjoy virtual thrills from the creations inside the park!
Editor Button
This button takes you into the NoLimits Park Editor Mode. Here you can create a new park, open an existing park, create and edit coasters! Editor Mode is covered further into this manual.
Setup Button
The Setup Button allows you to configure various options and features to optimize the performance and quality of NoLimits. Read the Setup Reference.
Help Button
This button loads the help files that you are reading right now.
Info Button
This button displays the version number, copyright information, credits, and more. You can also manually check for updates and view the message console.
Owners of a standard license that purchased a professional license, can also upgrade to the professional version here.
Quit Button
This button closes NoLimits.