Reference Index
Play Mode
Play Mode is where you can explore the currently open park. Play Mode allows you to walk around, fly around, ride coasters, and interact with scripted objects/scenery.
General Controls
- Escape - Exit the Play Mode to the main menu
- F1 - Help window
- Right Mouse Button - Toggle mouse cursor
- K - Take screenshot
- O - Start/Stop video export recording
- L - Take high resolution poster screenshot (Professional license only)
- J - Take cube map screenshots (Professional license only)
- Key below Esc - Show messages
Play Mode contains multiple views to view/interact with the coasters and many keyboard controls. There are onride views and offride views. Press E (which stands for Enter/Exit) to toggle between onride and offride views.
Pressing Q will toggle between all views of the current view category (onride or offride).
Onride Views
You can enter onride views from offride views by pressing E. Once in any onride view mode, you can toggle between all onride views by pressing Q.
- Ride View
Ride View mode allows you to ride coasters in the loaded park. While riding the camera will stay in the current seat. You can move the mouse to look around. Other important controls in Ride View are
- T - Change trains
- C - Change car on the current train
- V - Change seats on the current car
- Fly-by View
Fly-by View rides along with the selected train and seat, however the camera is not locked to a particular seat. You can move the camera around using the same keys as Fly mode. The camera will move in relation to the selected seat allowing for some very creative angles to watch the trains run through the track.
- Pursuit View
Pursuit View rides along with the selected train and seat, similar to Fly-By View. You can move the camera around using the same keys as Fly mode. In contrast to Fly-By View, the camera will maintain its orientation while ignoring the car's rotation.
- Target View
Target View keeps the camera focused on a single seat while keeping the camera stationary. The camera will pivot to watch the train from the last location used in Fly View/Walk View Mode.
Q will toggle Automatic Zoom in Target Mode. When enabled, the camera will zoom in to keep a close view of the train. The zoom will adjust dynamically as the train gets closer or further from the camera. When disabled, the camera will not zoom at all.
Offride Views
You can enter offride view mode from onride views by pressing E. Once in any offride view mode, you can toggle between all offride views by pressing Q.
- Fly View/Walk View
Fly Mode allows you to fly around your park and view it from any angle. Walk mode allows you to walk along the terrain, up/down stairs, along catwalks, in stations, and more.
Both modes use the same keys for navigation:
- W - Walk/fly forward
- A - Walk/fly left
- S - Walk/fly backward
- D - Walk/fly right
- Space Bar - Jump/fly up
- X - Crouch/fly down
- Shift - Hold the key to walk/fly faster
- Control - Hold the key to walk/fly slower
Simulation Panel
Default key: F2
This box features useful real-time information readouts during Play Mode. Press F2 to enable or hide this box. Press Right Mouse Button to toggle the mouse cursor. This box shows:
- Current frame rate
- Simulation speed controls (use the buttons or Numpad Plus and Numpad Minus to speed up and slow down the simulation speed). Press P to pause the simulation.
- Current selected coaster - In parks with multiple coasters, the current selected coaster name is displayed.
- Speed displays the current speed of the selected train. Press T to change trains.
- Vert. G-Force shows the vertical G-forces affecting the current selected seat. Positive values push down on the rider while negative values pull up.
- Horz. G-Force shows the lateral G-forces affecting the current selected seat. Positive values indicate forces pulling the rider to the left while negative values indicate forces pulling the rider to the right.
- Acceleration shows forward and backward forces affecting the rider. Positive values indicate forces pushing the rider backward while negative values indicate forces pulling the rider forward.
Debug Panel
Default key: F3
Professional License Only
The main purpose of this panel is to display timing information for optimization of large and complex parks. This panel shows:
- Current frame rate
- Number of triangles rendered per frame
- Number of triangles rendered per second
- Number of transparent polygons rendered per frame that are alpha blended and require sorting back to front
- Number of custom occluder polygons per frame rendered
- Number of Draw Calls sent to the graphics API per frame
- Required memory in bytes for texture data
- Required memory in bytes for 3D-geometry
- Total time required for executing all scripts per frame
- Total time required for executing scripting garbage collectors
- Total time required for updating animated scene objects
- Time required for computing and updating Audio/Video streams
- Script profiling information window with timing of most time consuming virtual machines
Ride Control Panel
Default key: F4
The Ride Control Panel features multiple controls to simulate operation of the current active coaster. The panel has some main controls and multiple tabs of additional controls.
The controls take the form of buttons, indicator lights, and switches. Buttons that are available for you to press will flash.
- Main controls - These controls are always visible on the Ride Control Panel.
- Operation Mode Automatic - When enabled, Automatic Mode controls all functions of the coaster automatically. This is the default operation mode.
- Operation Mode Manual Block - When enabled, Manual Block Mode requires you to manually advance the train around the track. Trains will not advance automatically to the next block. To advance the train, find the corresponding block on the Blocks tab and click on the blue button when flashing. Note that all trains must come to a full stop before Manual Block mode takes effect. Note that this mode is not available for shuttle coasters.
- Operation Mode Full Manual - When enabled, Full Manual Mode allows users to take complete manual control of the coaster. Individual brakes, friction tires, lift hills, and LIM modules can be enabled as desired on the Devices tab. You can also take direct control of individual trains with special controls on the Trains tab. Note that you can only switch to Full Manual mode after switching to Manual Block mode.
- Reset - This button will reset the coaster to how it first loaded. Trains will be returned to their starting blocks. Note that this will only affect the currently active coaster.
- Transparency - This control changes how transparent the window is.
- E-Stop - This button will trigger an emergency stop of the coaster. This will disable and close all brakes, tires, LIMs, and lift hills. Note: When E-Stop is disabled, the panel will switch to Full Manual mode automatically once all trains have stopped.
- Stations Tab - The Stations Tab displays controls specific to each station on the active coaster. A full set of controls will be present for each station on the active coaster. You may have to scroll down to see all of the controls.
- Manual Dispatch/Auto Dispatch selector chooses if trains will automatically dispatch or not. Note that a coaster can be in Automatic mode and set to Manual Dispatch. When set to Manual Dispatch you will have control over the full station controls. Each station can be set to Auto or Manual dispatch.
- Harness Open/Close - These buttons will open and close harnesses on the train in this station. Trains cannot dispatch until the harnesses are closed.
- Gates Open/Close - These buttons will open and close the station loading gates in this station. Trains cannot dispatch until the gates are closed.
- Raise/Lower Floor (select styles) - These buttons will raise and lower the loading platforms. Trains cannot dispatch until the loading platform is lowered completely. Harnesses cannot be released unless the platform is raised.
- Unlock/Lock Seats (select flying coaster styles only) - These buttons unlock and lock seats into riding position. Trains cannot dispatch until the seats are locked. Harnesses cannot be unlocked until seats are unlocked.
- Dispatch - These buttons dispatch the train once these conditions are met: gates are closed, harnesses are closed, floor platforms lowered (certain styles only), seats locked (certain styles only), and the next block is unoccupied. You only have to click on one Dispatch button for the train to dispatch.
- Blocks Tab - This tab contains status lights and buttons to advance the train to the next block in Manual Block mode. The status light next to each block indicates that block's status. The light is off when the block is unoccupied. The light is on when a train is occupying the block. The light flashes when a train is approaching the block but not yet physically in the block. The button marked FWD will advance the train to the next block when the coaster is in Manual Block mode.
- Switches Tab - This tab allows the user to control the direction and movement of transfer tracks and switch tracks. The ride must be in Manual Block or Full Manual mode for these controls to be available.
- Trains Tab - Each train on the coaster is listed here with 3 specific controls. Each control has a button to enable/disable the function. When the control is enabled the status light is illuminated.
- Move Train allows you to manually move a train around the track. When enabled you can move the control dial to power the train forwards or backwards at three different speeds. When enabled the train will not roll freely.
- Lashed To Track allows you to lock a train in position on the track. This is useful for ensuring a train on an angled storage track does not roll.
- Harness button will lock and unlock the trains harnesses.
- Devices Tab - This tab displays each of the devices on the active coaster. Each brake, friction tire, lift hill, and LIM device is listed separately. For example, a brake segment that has friction tires will show two entries; one for the brakes and one for the friction tires. Status lights indicate if the specific device is currently functioning or off. The coaster must be in Full Manual control for these controls to be enabled.
- Brakes and Lift Hills can be enabled or disabled with the provided button.
- Transports can be enabled either forward or backward.
Ride List Panel
Default key: F5
The Ride List Panel gives a list of all tracks in the park. The selected track is the "active" coaster that will be displayed on the Ride Control Panel. If the Auto-Switch check box is enabled, NoLimits will automatically change the Ride Control Panel to control the coaster nearest to the camera. If left disabled, you will manually control which coaster is active.
Weather Panel
Default key: F6
The Weather Control Panel provides slider controls of weather effects in NoLimits. You can disable an effect by sliding the control down to the bottom. Raising the control increases the effect of that weather item. Note that some parks have pre-configured weather settings chosen by the park's creator.
View Panel
Default key: F7
This panel enables various aspects of the camera view.
- Ride View Shake Effect enables simulated shaking of a rough coaster.
- Ride View Spring-Damper Effect simulates a smoother ride with shocks to dampen rough shaking and sudden track jolts.
- Ride View Look Ahead Effect will automatically turn the camera to look in the direction of the track as the ride runs. (This effect does not work on certain train styles)
- Fly View Collision Detection will prevent the camera in Fly View from passing through terrain, track, supports, scenery objects, and trains. Disable this feature to allow flight through all objects.
- Field of View Angle allows you to choose between a wide-angle view and a telephoto view. Center is the default normal position.
- Depth of Field Effect will display an auto-focused blur effect (Requires enabling of Advanced Effects in the Setup).