
Home Tutorials Index

Community YouTube Tutorials

Our community has created tons of great tutorials to help teach new users how to do anything and everything in NoLimits. Here is a list of tutorials to help you learn:

NoLimits 2 - The Basics

If you have never built a coaster in NoLimits 2, please watch this video:

Codemaster's Nolimits 2 Tutorial - Part 1 : Building a basic Coaster!

In this video you will see someone build a basic wooden coaster in 20 minutes and teach you while he does it. He walks you through the basics of:
  • Track shaping
  • Banking
  • Straight track functions
  • Navigating the interface
  • Adding brakes, lift, and station
  • Smoothing your coaster with the de-pumping tool
  • And more!

After you get the basics down, here are more tutorials to explore various topics in further detail.

NoLimits 2 Tutorials

The Codemaster NoLimits 2 Tutorials

Part 1 - The Basics
Part 2 - Steel Coaster Elements
Part 3 - Terrain Editing, Shaping and Painting plus Scenery (Trees)
Part 4 - Inverted Coaster Elements
Part 5 - 4D Coasters
Part 6 - Transfer Tracks, Tunnels, Holds and Switch Tracks
Part 7 - Vertical Lifts, Beyond Vertical Drops and Custom Supports

Korbles Tutorials and NoLimits 2 Master Classes Warning, some adult language

Tutorial 1 - Beginner In-depth navigation and coaster building
Tutorial 2 - Details Track triggers, custom scenery, terrain editing, more
Tutorial 3 - Complex Elements And Support Scenery
NL2 Master Class: Supporting Basics
NL2 Master Class: Making Scenery out of Supports Class Part 1 and Part 2

Additional Topics

NoLimits 2 Tutorial: Placing and Customizing lights - Marcus Dorsey
NoLimits 2 Tutorial: Importing Custom Objects - Fluxtrance

Deutsch (German)

NoLimits 2 Tutorialreihe (Mehrere Videos) - Greneey
NoLimits Roller Coaster 2 - Tutorials (Mehrere Videos) - NLC-tube
Tutorials (Mehrere Videos) - Füchschen
Anleitung Achterbahnbau - Florian Franck
Nolimits Coaster 2 Editor Tutorial - Rapelz99

Français (French)

Tutoriels No Limits 2 (Plusieurs vidéos) - Antoine Parkfan
Création de Trigger avec les scripts rotation d'une porte - Meletou1

Español (Spanish)

Tutorial Basico Editor - Daniddr1