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Supports Panel

Color Mode

This setting controls the color of the beam. You can choose from one of the pre-defined color settings from the Coaster Properties screen or choose Custom Color to choose an individual color for this beam. Click on the box next to the drop down to launch the Color Selection screen.

Rail Connector Properties

Connection style configures the type of rail connector node to add. There are multiple styles designed for specific types of track for use in certain configurations. Some coaster styles have a special track connector and do not use any of these custom options. For those styles, leave the selection on Track Default. If you choose a specific connection style, you can set choose a size preset to match the beam you will attach. Choose the correct option from the Size Preset menu. The Size Parameter will display the exact size of the selected pipe (certain pipe sizes have a different real diameter than the listed size).

Footer Properties

Rotation Angle determines how far to rotate the footer. This is useful for square footers and other footers that need to line up in a particular direction. Above Ground controls how far above the ground the footer should reach. Use a higher value on steep terrain. Base style provides choices between round and square footers and footers designed for steel or wooden coasters. Connection style provides a choice between a simple connection or two styles of extended connections.

Beam Node Properties

Select the Flange At Beam Node option to turn any Beam Node into a flange. Flanges make a long beam appear to be two shorter beams bolted together.

Beam Type Properties

The Beam Type drop down menu provides a listing of every type of beam available in NoLimits 2. Many pre-set beams are available and are based on real beams used on coasters. Multiple custom options are available as well if you need to define a beam to specific dimensions not available in a preset configuration. Specific options for the chosen beam type appear below the drop down menu. Here is a list of those settings. Note that not all of these settings appear for each beam type: Outer Diameter – This box lists the exact measurement of the outer diameter for the selected round pipe. In real life, certain pipes are given sizes that are different than the actual outer diameter. Changing this value will change the selection to the correct size, or to Custom Pipe if there is no matching pipe size. Profile Width/Height – These settings apply to Box Beam, L Beam, I/H Beam, C beam, and all wooden beam supports. These set the width and height dimensions of the beam. Rotation Mode controls the rotation of beams. Choose the rotation mode for horizontal or vertical beams and set the rotation angle as needed. Use this angle to line up support beams with the track or other supports.

No Cap settings

These settings determine if the support beam has end caps or not. Check the boxes to give a hint to the program to hide the end caps that do not need to be drawn. These options help with performance by removing extra polygons.

LOD Priority

This option determines the Level Of Detail (LOD) priority for the beam. As the camera moves further away from beams and other objects, the engine automatically reduces detail by removing some beams and other details. This is done to help performance. Some beams that may be deep in a structure can’t be seen that well from far away. Use the LOD Priority setting to determine how important it is to draw this beam. Beams set at the highest priority will always be drawn. Beams at the lowest priority are the first to disappear as the camera moves further away.

Extra Lengths

Extra length can be added to any beam. If added the beam will appear longer than the distance between the two nodes. Enter a distance to extend the beam out from its end point.

Node Offsets

Node offsets are used to display the beam offset from the node. This option moves the beam away from the node by the set amount. This is useful to simulate wooden boards nailed against each other instead of going through each other. When drawn in wireframe, a line will display the offset from the node to the beam.