abstract | Used to label a class or method to lack the full implementation (similar to interfaces) |
break | Used to exit out of a loop or switch statement |
bool | Internal data type |
char | Internal data type |
default | Special switch label for default cases |
do | Do-While loop statement |
double | Internal data type |
else | If/Else statements |
extends | Used for classes that want to inherit from other classes |
final | Access modifier used to label classes, methods, or fields that they cannot be extended, overriden, or changed. |
float | Internal data type |
for | FOR Loop statement |
extends | Used for classes that want to implement an interface class |
if | If/Else statements |
import | Can be used to shorten full class names, by skipping package names of imported packages |
int | Internal data type |
interface | Used to declare a special type of class that has only abstract methods and has no fields |
long | Internal data type |
new | Used to allocate instance of class or array |
package | Used to declare the current package in the first line of a source file |
private | Access modifier used to label methods and fields so that they can be accessed from the owning class only. |
protected | Access modifier used to label methods and fields so that they can be accessed from the owning class and inheriting classes only. |
public | Access modifier used to label classes, methods and fields so that they can be accessed from everywhere. |
return | Used to exit from a method and optionally provide the returned value from a function |
short | Internal data type |
static | Used to label a method or field to be accessed without an object instance |
switch | Switch statement |
void | Used to represent that a method has no return type |
while | While and Do-While loop statements |
package mypackage; import com.nolimitscoaster.*; public class MyClass extends Script { } |