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Export Track Spline

This option allows the longest track of the currently selected coaster to be exported to a CSV (comma separated values) text file. The file will be written using a specific data format. Read the CSV File Format description for more information about this data format.

Import Track Spline

This option allows to import a track spline from a series of points stored inside a CSV (comma separated values) text file. A park needs to be loaded and a current coaster needs to be selected. This option will add a piece of track based on interpolating the points stored in the file. The file needs to contain specific data. Use the Export Track Spline option to check out the data format or read the CVS File Format description for more information about this data format.

Export Supports XML

This option allows to export the supports of the currently selected coaster to an XML data file. The file will be written using a NoLimits 2 specific XML data format. Read the XML Supports File Format description for more information about this data format.

Import Supports XML

This option allows to import supports from an XML data file. A park needs to be loaded and a current coaster needs to be selected, which must not be frozen. The file format is a NoLimits 2 specific XML data format. Use the Export Supports XML option to check out the data format or read the XML Supports File Format description for more information about this data format.

Export Scenery XML

This option allows to export all scenery object settings of the currently opened park to an XML data file. The file will be written using a NoLimits 2 specific XML data format. Read the XML Scenery File Format description for more information about this data format.

Import Scenery XML

This option allows to import scenery objects from an XML data file. A park needs to be loaded. The file format is a NoLimits 2 specific XML data format. Use the Export Scenery XML option to check out the data format or read the XML Scenery File Format description for more information about this data format.

Terrain from Scenery

This option allows to set the terrain height based on a scenery object. A park needs to be loaded and a single scenery object needs to be selected. This option will sample the scenery object and set the terrain height so that it will match the upper faces of the scenery object. This option is designed to set the terrain from a scenery object with a pseudo terrain layout. After the scenery object was sampled and the terrain was set, this pseudo terrain scenery object might be deleted.

Video Colors Decode

This is a tool that will help to create scripted light effects controlled by video stream files. The idea is to scan the colors of a video file and control a light source's color by them. The tool will scan the frames of a video file (Ogg Theora .OGV) and will compute average colors and will store them in a binary data file. A simple script file will also be generated that will load the data file and will set the light sources colors for each frame of the video file as soon as a video stream gets played. Multiple colors can be computed for each frame in a grid pattern (X: horizontally left to right, Y: vertically top to bottom).

Generate API Stubs

This is a simple tool that generates the scripting API as empty stub files. These may be usefull for developing with Java(tm) IDEs. The stub files will not contain any code.