Reference Index
Editor Preferences
Here you can configure Editor Mode to your personal preference.
Common Tab
- View Layout - Choose how many view ports NoLimits Editor mode displays. You can choose from one to four views in various combinations. Letter codes will indicate where the views will appear: T - Top, B - Bottom, L - Left, and R - Right. For example, Triple View L/RR will divide the screen in half. The left half will have one view and the right half will be further divided with 2 more windows. It's important to note that once the view layout is set you can drag the borders of each view around to customize how large each view is. Each view can be configured to show a different part of your coaster.
- Picking Area - Determines how large of an area around your mouse cursor the object you are trying to click on can be. This setting can be helpful if you are having difficulty selecting specific nodes in a crowded scene.
- Grid Size - Distance between Grid lines.
- Mouse Wheel Mode changes the behavior of the mouse wheel. You can select zoom in/out (default) or scroll.
- Fly Speed - The speed when flying with the WASD keys inside the editor.
- Fly Speed (Shift) - The speed when flying with the WASD keys, while pressing the Shift key, inside the editor.
- Fly Speed (Ctrl) - The speed when flying with the WASD keys, while pressing the CTRL key, inside the editor.
- Background Color sets the color of the background in orthogonal viewports.
Overlay Tab
These settings allow you to place an image on top of one or more of the view ports. This can help you when recreating a real coaster since you can load a satellite map of a real park and use that to create the layout. Each viewport in allows for a unique overlay. Center and Scale settings determine where the image is centered and how large it is. Transparency changes how well you can see through the image.
Precision Tab
There are two main items to configure here. The first is a collection of four slider bars that control the length of various display combs (combs are covered elsewhere in this document). The other setting controls the minimum distance between vertices in formula generated elements.
Limits Tab
NoLimits provides real time g-force readings in Play Mode and G-force indicators in Edit Mode. As the positive, negative, and lateral force gets too strong the indicator will turn yellow. The indicator turns red when the forces are far too extreme. This screen allows you to customize the thresholds when the colors change. Press the Defaults button to change back to defaults.