Method Summary |
void |
deactivate() Deactivates the view |
int |
getCurrentCarIndex(int carCount) Returns the current car index. It can be set using setCurrentCarIndex |
int |
getCurrentSeatIndex(int seatCount) Returns the current seat index. It can be set using setCurrentCarIndex |
bool |
isActive() Returns true if the external view is currently used by the player. This can be used to skip computing the external camera when it is not active. |
bool |
isInWalkMode() Checks if the player is in walk mode |
void |
setButtonHelpDescription(int button, String description) Sets the description that will shown in the help window for a specific button when the view is active |
void |
setCameraMatrix(nlvm.math3d.Matrix4x4f m) Sets the camera transformation for this ride view |
void |
setCurrentCarIndex(int nIndex) Sets the current car index. It is a custom value for help reusing the same external camera for multiple cars. |
void |
setCurrentSeatIndex(int nIndex) Sets the current seat index. It is a custom value for help reusing the same external camera for multiple seats. |
void |
setEnterWarpPoint(nlvm.math3d.Vector3f pos, float radius) Sets the enter warp sphere using a position and radius. The sphere represents the space where the player can enter the external ride view. |
void |
setEnterWarpPointAutoActivate(bool b) Sets if the view should be activated automatically when the player is inside the enter warp point |
void |
setEnterWarpPointEnabled(bool b) Enables or disables the enter warp sphere. The player cannot enter the external ride view when the sphere is disabled. |
void |
setExitViewAbsolute(bool b) Sets the coordinate system mode for the exit view vectors (position and direction). |
void |
setExitViewEnabled(bool b) Enables or disables the custom exit view. By default the exit view is disabled. |
void |
setExitViewLookDirection(nlvm.math3d.Vector3f dir) Sets the exit view direction vector |
void |
setExitViewPosition(nlvm.math3d.Vector3f pos) Sets the exit view position vector |
void |
setLabel(String str) Sets a label for this external ride view, it will be shown in play mode when the user is inside the enter warp sphere to inform it can be entered. |
void |
setMorphingEnabled(bool b) Enables or disables the morphing in and out of the view. By default, whenever the ride view is enabled or disabled by the user, the current view gets morphed to the |
Method Detail |
public final void deactivate()
Deactivates the view
Behaves similar to a manual view deactivation caused by the player (default key: E)
public final int getCurrentCarIndex(int carCount)
Returns the current car index. It can be set using setCurrentCarIndex
carCount | - | Maximum number of cars. Will be used to clamp the returned value. |
The returned valus is the current car index modulo the carCount parameter.
public final int getCurrentSeatIndex(int seatCount)
Returns the current seat index. It can be set using setCurrentCarIndex
seatCount | - | Maximum number of seats. Will be used to clamp the returned value. |
The returned value is the current seat index modulo the seatCount parameter.
public final bool isActive()
Returns true if the external view is currently used by the player. This can be used to skip computing the external camera when it is not active.
public final bool isInWalkMode()
Checks if the player is in walk mode
If the view is active, the last state is returned that was present before the user switched to the view. If the view is not active, the current state is returned.
true = player is/was in walk mode, false otherwise
public final void setButtonHelpDescription(int button, String description)
Sets the description that will shown in the help window for a specific button when the view is active
button | - | constant (see class com.nolimitscoaster.Button) | |
description | - | text that will be shown for the specified button (set null or empty string to remove description) |
public final void setCameraMatrix(nlvm.math3d.Matrix4x4f m)
Sets the camera transformation for this ride view
m | - | Camera matrix. Must not be null. |
public final void setCurrentCarIndex(int nIndex)
Sets the current car index. It is a custom value for help reusing the same external camera for multiple cars.
public final void setCurrentSeatIndex(int nIndex)
Sets the current seat index. It is a custom value for help reusing the same external camera for multiple seats.
public final void setEnterWarpPoint(nlvm.math3d.Vector3f pos, float radius)
Sets the enter warp sphere using a position and radius. The sphere represents the space where the player can enter the external ride view.
pos | - | Center of warp sphere (in meters). Must not be null. | |
radius | - | Radius of warp sphere (in meters). |
public final void setEnterWarpPointAutoActivate(bool b)
Sets if the view should be activated automatically when the player is inside the enter warp point
b | - | true = activate view automatically, false (default) = player needs to manually activate the view |
public final void setEnterWarpPointEnabled(bool b)
Enables or disables the enter warp sphere. The player cannot enter the external ride view when the sphere is disabled.
public final void setExitViewAbsolute(bool b)
Sets the coordinate system mode for the exit view vectors (position and direction).
By default the vectors are relative to the last ride view coordinate system. It is good practice to change the mode only when the user has switched seats
b | - | true = absolute world coordinates, false (default) = relative coordinates in coordinate system of last ride view matrix |
public final void setExitViewEnabled(bool b)
Enables or disables the custom exit view. By default the exit view is disabled.
The exit view will be used when the user exits the ride view, and will be customized using the setExitView... methods. It is good practice to change the mode only when the user has switched seats
b | - | true = enabled, false = disabled |
public final void setExitViewLookDirection(nlvm.math3d.Vector3f dir)
Sets the exit view direction vector
It is not required for the direction vector to be normalized. It is good practice to change the direction only when the user has switched seats.
dir | - | direction vector, must not be null |
public final void setExitViewPosition(nlvm.math3d.Vector3f pos)
Sets the exit view position vector
It is good practice to change the position only when the user has switched seats.
pos | - | position vector, must not be null |
public final void setLabel(String str)
Sets a label for this external ride view, it will be shown in play mode when the user is inside the enter warp sphere to inform it can be entered.
public final void setMorphingEnabled(bool b)
Enables or disables the morphing in and out of the view. By default, whenever the ride view is enabled or disabled by the user, the current view gets morphed to the
new view. Using this method that morphing can be disabled. It is good practice to disable morphing when exciting a ride to walk mode does not make sense, e.g. when the user gets moved too far or through closed harnesses or walls.
b | - | true = enabled (default), false = disabled |